Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Preposition [kata depan]

Prepositions  [kata depan]

Prepositions: at, to; preposition/adverb: in

Insert suitable prepositions in the following.

1 Could I speak . . . Tom, please? ~  I'm afraid Tom's . . . work. But Jack's .... Would you like to speak . . . him?
2 How do I get ...the air terminal? -   Turn right . . . the end of this street and you'll see it . . . front of you.
3 He started going . . . school . . . the age of five. So now he's been . . . school for ten years. He's leaving . . . the end of this year.
4 He goes . . . his office every day except Sunday. On Sundays he stays . . ……. home and works . . . the garden.
5 I think I left my umbrella . . . the bus. I'd better write . . . the Lost Property Office.
6 We arrived . . . the airport . . . good time for the plane.
7 Can I look up a word . . . your dictionary? I left mine . . . home.
8 Our train arrived . . . York . . . 6.30. Paul met us . . . the station.
9 Have you been . . . the theatre recently? ~  Yes, I was . . . the Old Vie last night.
10 I'm returning . . . France . . . the end of this term. ~  Are you coming back . . . England after the holidays?
11 He isn't living . …. . home now, but if you write . . . his home they'll forward the letter…. . . his new address.
12 I went . . . bed early but I couldn't get . . . sleep because the people . . . the next room were talking so loudly.
13 . . . first I found the work very tiring, but . . . a few weeks I got used ... it.
14 There was an accident . . …. the crossroads . . . midnight last night.
Two men were taken . …. . hospital. I believe one of them is still . . ….hospital.
15 . . ….. the daytime the streets are crowded but . . …. night they are quite deserted.
16 . ….. . first her father refused to allow her to go back . . …. work; but . …… . the end he agreed.
17 . . …… the beginning of a textbook there is a preface, and . . . the end there is an index.
18 He went . . …. sea . …. . 18, and spent all his working life . . . sea. He retired . . . 56 and went to live . . . the country.
19 I saw Tom . . . the bus stop this morning but couldn't speak . . . him because we were standing . . ….. a queue and he was . . . the front of it and I was . . . the back.
20 I'll leave some sandwiches . . …... the fridge in case you are hungry when you come in.
21 We'd better start . . ….. six, because climbing up . . . the gallery takes some time. I hope you don't mind sitting . . . the gallery. ~
No, of course not. When I go ….. . . the opera I always go . ….. . the gallery.
22 He is always . . …. a hurry. He drives . . . a tremendous speed.
23 When he began speaking ….. . . English, she looked . . …... him . . . amazement.
24 Write . . . ink and put your name . . . the top of the page.
25 We start serving breakfasts . . . 7.30. Shall I send yours up . . . your room, or will you have it . . . the restaurant?
26 He's always . . . a bad temper . . . breakfast time.
27 According . . . the guidebook there are three hotels . . . the town.
28 The pilot climbed . . . 5,000 metres and flew . . . that height till he got . . ……….the coast.
Then he came down . . …. 1,000 metres and began to take photographs.
29 I'm interested . . . chess but I'm not very good . . . it.
30 Who is the girl . . . the blue dress, sitting . . . the head of the table?
31 I couldn't offer him a room . . . my flat because . . . that time my mother-in-law was staying with us.
32 The train stopped . . ….. all the stations, and long before we got . . ….
London every seat was taken and people were standing . . . the corridors.
33 Shall we discuss it . …. . my room, or shall I come . . . your office?
34 . . . my astonishment I was the only person . …. . the bar. Everyone else had gone . . …..the Casino.
35 The Loch Ness Monster is supposed to live . . . the bottom of the Loch and come . . ….the surface from time . . . time.
36 You can't say that he lives . . ….. luxury. There's hardly any furniture . …. ... his room. He hasn't even got a desk to write .......

Answer key
I to; at; in; to 2 to; at, in 3 to, at; at; at 4 to; at, in 5 in; to
6 at, in 7 in; at 8 in, at; at 9 to; at 10 to, at; to
11 at, to, to 12 to, to, in 13 At, in, to 14 at, at; to, in 15 In, at
16 At, to, in 17 At, at 18 to, at, at; at, in 19 at, to, in, at, at 20 in
21 at, to; in; to, to 22 in; at 23 in, at, in 24 in, at 25 at; to, in
26 in, at 27 to, in 28 to, at, to; to 29 in, at 30 in, at
31 in, at 32 at, to, in 33 in, to 34 To, in; to 35 at, to, to
36 in; in; at
taken form: A practical English grammar by A.J. Thomson & A.V.Martinet

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