Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Nouns [1]

[kata benda]
There are two main types of nouns: common nouns and proper nouns.
Ada dua bentuk umum kata benda dalam bahasa Inggris: common nouns and proper nouns.

Common Nouns
Words for people, places and things are called common nouns.
Kata untuk orang orang, tempat dan benda dalam bahasa Inggis disebut common nouns

These common nouns are words for things.
Contoh common nouns
Jika bukan kata pertama dalam kalimat, maka semua ditulis dengan huruf kecil
ruler chair    hammer   bicycle     truth        
pen   table   saw          ship       calculator     
crayons       sofa         axe         truck     
 television   pencil      loyalty       drill             
ferry          fridge       book        lamp     
ladder        train         cooker     dictionary     
 carpet       lawnmower             bus          
computer    courage      telephone     
spade         laziness          printer

These common nouns are words for animals.
Notice that special names for young animals are included.
Common noun untuk binatang dan anaknya

animal       its young
nama binatang        nama anaknya
dog                puppy
cat                 kitten
cow                 calf
horse              foal
sheep             lamb
goat                kid
frog              tadpole

animal       its young
fox                cub
elephant         calf
kangaroo        joey
bear               cub
lion               cub
tiger              cub
whale             calf

These common nouns are words for places.
Common noun untuk tempat
Bank              airport           hotel               
gas station      library            park                
museum          farm              mall     
zoo               theater           factory            
hospital        nursery            school            
post office      university   police station
office            restaurant       mosque           
supermarket    temple           stadium                 
 shop             synagogue      gym                

These common nouns are words for people who do certain things.
Common nouns untuk orang dalam jabatan pekerjaannya
singer          manager        sailor      gardener        
dancer        secretary       pilot          police      
officer         artist              teacher    driver         
plumber     photographer  doctor       writer           
farmer        magician       dentist       friend             
clerk         athlete         lawyer     brother        

Proper Nouns
The names of particular people, places and things are proper nouns.

Proper noun meliputi nama orang, nama benda, nama tempat

Contoh : pantai itu suatu tempat > common noun
Pantai Nongsa, atau Kuta itu nama pantai > proper noun
They always begin with a capital letter.
Proper noun selalu mulai ditulis dengan huruf besar / kapital 
These people’s names are proper nouns.

Nama orang adalah proper nouns
Robin Hood       Florence Nightingale      Mom        
Miss Park          Aladdin                 Muhammad Ali
Dad                  Mrs. Taylor          Frankenstein          
George Washington   Granny          Mr. Young
Harry Potter           David Beckham  Grandad
Dr. Lee                  Santa Claus       Julia Roberts 
Uncle David          Professor Raj       Mahatma Gandhi 
Nelson Mandela     Aunt Diana         Confucius              
Alex Rodriguez   Ms. Hall Yang Ming  
Mr. H. Widjayanto

The names of the days of the week and the months of the year are proper nouns.
Nama hari dan bulan adalah proper nouns

days of the week                      months
Monday                               January         July
Tuesday                              February        August
Wednesday                          March           September
Thursday                             April            October
Friday                                 May              November
Saturday                             June             December

The names of special days and celebrations are also proper nouns.
Nama-nama hari raya atau hari khusus adalah proper nouns
New Year’s Day             Veterans' Day                
Mother’s Day                Thanksgiving                
 Independence Day        Memorial Day
Valentine’s Day             Halloween                     
Labor Day                    Christmas    
Ramadan                     Yom Kippur

The names of famous places, buildings and monuments are proper nouns.
Nama-nama bangunan, gedung, monument, tempat terkenal adalah proper nouns. Perhatikan penulisan the tetap huruf kecil, nama huruf besar
Big Ben                            the Empire State Building
the Sphinx                        the Taj Mahal
Graceland                         the Eiffel Tower
the Grand Canyon              the Golden Gate Bridge
the Sydney Opera House     the Great Wall of China
Buckingham Palace             Chaco Canyon Pueblo
the Leaning Tower of Pisa    the Statue of Liberty
Candi Borobudur               Monas

The names of people who live in a particular country are also proper nouns.
country            people
Negara                      kebangsaan
Afghanistan           Afghans   
Negara Afganistan            orang Afganistan
Australia               Australians
Britain                  the British
China                    the Chinese
France                  the French
Germany               Germans
India                    Indians
Indonesia              Indonesians
Italy                     Italians
Japan                    the Japanese
Korea                    Koreans
Malaysia                Malaysians

country            people
Samoa                  Samoans
New Zealand          New Zealanders
Pakistan                Pakistanis
the Philippines        Filipinos
Russia                   Russians
Nicaragua              Nicaraguans
South Africa           South Africans
Spain                    Spaniards
Switzerland           the Swiss
Thailand                Thais
USA                      Americans
Indonesia                          Indonesian
Vietnam                the Vietnamese
taken from Basic English Grammar, book 2 . Enriched and modified by Heppy Widjayanto

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